
The Future of E.M.Ward Photography

Gosh, it's so nice to be back! I'm so thankful for the way you guys rallied around yesterday to get some traffic to my pages and help my business to lift off!

Over the months I was away I spent a lot of time thinking about the things that I wanted to bring to my business. Some of those things, I've yet to mention and I want to spent a little bit of time talking about them.

First, I may be a St. Louis Portrait Photographer, but I also spend a lot of time in Photoshop, creating fun, light, creative photos. It is my hope, that starting sometime in August, I will being hosting Photoshop classes for anyone who might want to learn. These will start out as local classes, but I intend for them to go to webcasts so that more people can benefit from them. Make sure to sign up for our newsletter because we will be announcing all classes there first.

Check out the "Before" image on my Facebook page!

Check out the "Before" image on my Facebook page!

Next, I'm also considering doing some classes for moms! How to take better photos of your kids, using the tools you have. Very excited about this one too!

Other things coming up: we're bringing sexy back! For a few years, we played with the idea of doing boudoir or intimate photos, and I think we were pretty successful. After a lot of time analyzing what worked and what didn't we were finally able to come up with a boudoir style all our own. We will bring our boudoir photo sessions back in the fall (just in time for making those sexy Christmas gifts for your significant other!!).

Finally, you'll notice that our Fine Art Photography section is kind of sparse. I will be growing this section over the next few days so that you all have access to purchase beautiful images for your walls! Have a business? Even better! I'd be happy to see how your business is decorated with my art!

Thank you again, to all of those who have rallied and who continue to rally for my business! I love you all so much for all of your help!